Bloomfield Collegiate School, Y9
23rd June 2022
Another day of making coffee. The bell over the door rings and one of Sally’s regular customers come in.
“Just the usual” said Owen, who works at the veterinary practice down the street.
“Two years and you’re still ordering the same coffee I don’t know how you don’t get sick of it” said Sally.
“It gives me energy, gets me through the day” says Owen. “Speaking of my day, how’s your day been?”
“Pretty stressful” Sally replies. Suddenly, a rattling roar sound comes from below. Sally misses the coffee cup and spills coffee everywhere. She stops for a brief moment and they both stare at each other. Sally asks Owen “Did you hear that?”
“Yeah” Owen replies nervously, “What was that?”
“It’s my secret agent base with lots of animals” Sally jokes. “I’m kidding, it’s just the heating, it’s been two years and you only just noticed?”
“Then why are you reacting now?” Owen asks.
“It’s just the old pipes creaking, here’s your coffee” Sally says in a rushed tone.
“I thought you said it was the heating?” questions Owen. Sally pushes him out and slams the door. “See you tomorrow” she says.
“That was a really weird situation” thinks Owen. The rattling roar sound came again but louder. He turns around and sees the CLOSED sign on the door. “Why would it be closed at 10 in the morning?”
Owen looks through the window and sees Sally going down the stairs at the back of the room. He decides to pick the lock and figure out what’s going on. The sound comes again but louder, rattling the coffee shop as he walks through towards the stairs.
When he reaches the top of the stairs, there’s a loud crash and a scream. Owen sees a dark figure coming towards him from the bottom of the stairs…

Illustrations by Sinead Farry