Epicentre Youth Club Armagh
13th May 2022
Ava has brown hair and she is 13 years old. When her sister Sarah was born 3 years later, she started giggling at her for no reason.
Ava is 16 now, she is out playing with Sarah by an abandoned railway where she saw a ghost with long curly hair, with a potion. They both ran off back to their home and a few hours later they both had to go to sleep and Sarah was scared about the ghost. They have a flashlight because it's the middle of the night and Ava said
“There is no ghost, it’s your imagination.”
Sarah believed her because Ava was able to make people happy with her magic.
The ghost threw a potion on Ava to freeze her, Sarah was very scared, she stumbled out onto the road and got hit by a car. Sarah came back as a ghost 3 months later to Ava and Ava could see and hear her but it was because Ava turned into Sarah and Sarah turned into Ava…