Find out what Primary children at the first workshop thought of their experience.
On Thursday 23rd April Fighting Words Belfast ran its first full-length story-writing workshop.
It was attended by 22 p.6/p.7s from Ballysillan Primary school and 5 newly trained volunteers.
The children wrote a fantastic story called Jeopardy with Jeff featuring a noodle-shooting superhero called Jeff, his best friend Kevin the code-breaker and a dastardly plot by a group of teenage mutant ninja marshmallows.
The children worked together to start the story off before taking it in whatever direction they wanted.
As well as lots of great writing being done, we also saw several brilliant and colourful illustrations.
Some feedback from the Ballysillan writers included…
"I learned that writing stories with your imagination is very fun!" by Cassie
"I learned that writing can be lots and lots of fun!" - Katelyn
"Your character could be silly or smart or both"
"I liked everything"
"I will always remember that I made my own story" - Shane Murphy
"All of it felt like music"
"I LOVED today it was so fun thank you so much" - Abigail
Fighting Words Belfast workshops are fully booked for May, with schools expected from across Belfast.
Workshops are currently still available throughout the month of June- so please get in touch if you want to book a fabulous FREE creative writing session for your group of young people.
Email us or call Hannah or Geraldine on 028 9023 0660.